
INSTANT PURE-COTE B792 Modified Starches

Source: Grain Processing Corporation
INSTANT PURE-COTE B792 is a new modified food starch designed specifically for producing clear, flexible films without heating to hydrate the starch.
INSTANT PURE-COTE B792 is a new modified food starch designed specifically for producing clear, flexible films without heating to hydrate the starch. Finished coatings are water soluble, clear, and have good sheen. Besides coatings INSTANT PURE-COTE can be used in a variety of food applications where film-forming characteristics are important.


INSTANT PURE-COTE B792 hydrates readily in both cold and hot water. To fully hydrate the starch, disperse the starch with good agitation (lightening mixer, propeller-type mixer) in water and mix for at least 15 minutes or until the solution is smooth.

Before adding the starch to an aqueous solution, the agitation should be started so a vortex in the solution has been created. The INSTANT PURE-COTE should be added at the top edge of the vortex so the starch can be hydrated with minimal lumping. When adding the instant starch directly to water, there will be lumps initially. Unlike most instant starches, the INSTANT PURE-COTE lumps should disappear within 10 to 20 minutes of mixing. The starch solution needs to be completely smooth and lump-free before adding to a coating or spray nozzle system.


INSTANT PURE-COTE B792 works well in coatings for cereals, nuts, snacks, and confectionery applications. In addition to making even, clear coatings, the INSTANT PURE-COTE can be used in solutions to adhere particulates or seasonings to cereal, nuts, and snacks. In both the coating and adhesive solutions, MALTRIN maltodextrins and corn syrup solids can be added to the INSTANT PURE-COTE solution to increase the sheen, tackiness, or speed the drying time of the coating.

For bakery glazes, INSTANT PURE-COTE helps to provide a uniform, high-gloss coating which resists moisture pickup and sweating. It can be used in glazes as an egg wash replacement or in a cinnamon roll-type glaze.

INSTANT PURE-COTE B792 can also be used as an "instant" film former or coating ingredient in other applications such as seasoning blends and meat coatings.

Grain Processing Corporation, 1600 Oregon Street, Muscatine, IA 52761. Tel: 319-264-4265; Fax: 319-264-4289.